Breakpoints on broken blocks
Implementation with table headers & footers
See a demo project (more comments, I stripped some of them) there.
/// author: wrzian
// Underlying counter and zig-zag functions
#let counter-family(id) = {
let parent = counter(id)
let parent-step() = parent.step()
let get-child() = counter(id + str(parent.get().at(0)))
return (parent-step, get-child)
// A fun zig-zag line!
#let zig-zag(fill: black, rough-width: 6pt, height: 4pt, thick: 1pt, angle: 0deg) = {
layout((size) => {
// Use layout to get the size and measure our horizontal distance
// Then get the per-zigzag width with some maths.
let count = int(calc.round(size.width / rough-width))
// Need to add extra thickness since we join with `h(-thick)`
let width = thick + (size.width - thick) / count
// One zig and one zag:
let zig-and-zag = {
let line-stroke = stroke(thickness: thick, cap: "round", paint: fill)
let top-left = (thick/2, thick/2)
let bottom-mid = (width/2, height - thick/2)
let top-right = (width - thick/2, thick/2)
let zig = line(stroke: line-stroke, start: top-left, end: bottom-mid)
let zag = line(stroke: line-stroke, start: bottom-mid, end: top-right)
box(place(zig) + place(zag), width: width, height: height, clip: true)
let zig-zags = ((zig-and-zag,) * count).join(h(-thick))
rotate(zig-zags, angle)
// ---- Define split-box ---- //
// Customizable options for a split-box border:
#let default-border = (
// The starting and ending lines
above: line(length: 100%),
below: line(length: 100%),
// Lines to put between the box over multiple pages
btwn-above: line(length: 100%, stroke: (dash:"dotted")),
btwn-below: line(length: 100%, stroke: (dash:"dotted")),
// Left/right lines
// These *must* use `grid.vline()`, otherwise you will get an error.
// To remove the lines, set them to: `grid.vline(stroke: none)`.
// You could probably configure this better with a rowspan, but I'm lazy.
left: grid.vline(),
right: grid.vline(),
// Create a box for content which spans multiple pages/columns and
// has custom borders above and below the column-break.
#let split-box(
// Set the border dictionary, see `default-border` above for options
border: default-border,
// The cell to place content in, this should resolve to a `grid.cell`
cell: grid.cell.with(inset: 5pt),
// The last positional arg or args are your actual content
// Any extra named args will be sent to the underlying grid when called
// This is useful for fill, align, etc.
) = {
// See `utils.typ` for more info.
let (parent-step, get-child) = counter-family("split-box-unique-counter-string")
parent-step() // Place the parent counter once.
// Keep track of each time the header is placed on a page.
// Then check if we're at the first placement (for header) or the last (footer)
// If not, we'll use the 'between' forms of the border lines.
let border-above = context {
let header-count = get-child()
context if header-count.get() == (1,) { border.above } else { border.btwn-above }
let border-below = context {
let header-count = get-child()
if header-count.get() == { border.below } else { border.btwn-below }
// Place the grid!
columns: 3,
grid.header(border-above , repeat: true),
grid.footer(border-below, repeat: true),
// ---- Examples ---- //
#set page(width: 7.2in, height: 3in, columns: 6)
// Tada!
// And here's a fun example:
#let fun-border = (
// gradients!
above: line(length: 100%, stroke: 2pt + gradient.linear(,
below: line(length: 100%, stroke: 2pt + gradient.linear(, angle: 180deg)),
// zig-zags!
btwn-above: move(dy: +2pt, zig-zag(fill: blue, angle: 3deg)),
btwn-below: move(dy: -2pt, zig-zag(fill: orange, angle: 177deg)),
left: grid.vline(stroke: (cap: "round", paint: purple)),
right: grid.vline(stroke: (cap: "round", paint: purple)),
#split-box(border: fun-border)[
// And some more tame friends:
#split-box(border: (
above: move(dy: -0.5pt, line(length: 100%)),
below: move(dy: +0.5pt, line(length: 100%)),
// zig-zags!
btwn-above: move(dy: -1.1pt, zig-zag()),
btwn-below: move(dy: +1.1pt, zig-zag(angle: 180deg)),
left: grid.vline(stroke: (cap: "round")),
right: grid.vline(stroke: (cap: "round")),
border: (
above: line(length: 100%, stroke: luma(50%)),
below: line(length: 100%, stroke: luma(50%)),
btwn-above: line(length: 100%, stroke: (dash: "dashed", paint: luma(50%))),
btwn-below: line(length: 100%, stroke: (dash: "dashed", paint: luma(50%))),
left: grid.vline(stroke: none),
right: grid.vline(stroke: none),
cell: grid.cell.with(inset: 5pt, fill: color.yellow.saturate(-85%))
Implementation via headers, footers and stated
Limitations: works only with one-column layout and one break.
#let countBoundaries(loc, fromHeader) = {
let startSelector = selector(label("boundary-start"))
let endSelector = selector(label("boundary-end"))
if fromHeader {
// Count down from the top of the page
startSelector = startSelector.after(loc)
endSelector = endSelector.after(loc)
} else {
// Count up from the bottom of the page
startSelector = startSelector.before(loc)
endSelector = endSelector.before(loc)
let startMarkers = query(startSelector)
let endMarkers = query(endSelector)
let currentPage = loc.position().page
let pageStartMarkers = startMarkers.filter(elem =>
elem.location().position().page == currentPage)
let pageEndMarkers = endMarkers.filter(elem =>
elem.location().position().page == currentPage)
(start: pageStartMarkers.len(), end: pageEndMarkers.len())
#set page(
margin: 2em,
// ... other page setup here ...
header: context {
let boundaryCount = countBoundaries(here(), true)
if boundaryCount.end > boundaryCount.start {
// Decorate this header with an opening decoration
[Block break top: $-->$]
footer: context {
let boundaryCount = countBoundaries(here(), false)
if boundaryCount.start > boundaryCount.end {
// Decorate this footer with a closing decoration
[Block break end: $<--$]
#let breakable-block(body) = block({
#metadata("boundary") <boundary-start>
// Breakable list content goes here
#metadata("boundary") <boundary-end>
#set page(height: 10em)
#([Something \ ]*10)