
This section is outdated. It may be still useful, but it is strongly recommended to study new context system (using the reference).

Counters are special states that count elements of some type. As with states, you can create your own with identifier strings.

Important: to initiate counters of elements, you need to set numbering for them.

States methods

Counters are states, so they can do all things states can do.

#set heading(numbering: "1.")

= Background
#counter(heading).update(n => n * 2)

== Analysis
Current heading number: #counter(heading).display().
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#let mine = counter("mycounter")


#mine.update(c => c * 3)
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Displaying counters

#set heading(numbering: "1.")

= Introduction
Some text here.

= Background
The current value is:

Or in roman numerals:
Rendered image

Counters also support displaying both current and final values out-of-box:

#set heading(numbering: "1.")

= Introduction
Some text here.

#counter(heading).display(both: true) \
#counter(heading).display("1 of 1", both: true) \
  (num, max) => [#num of #max],
   both: true

= Background
The current value is: #counter(heading).display()
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That's quite easy, for counters you can increment value using step. It works the same way as update.

#set heading(numbering: "1.")

= Introduction

= Analysis
Let's skip 3.1.
#counter(heading).step(level: 2)

== Analysis
At #counter(heading).display().
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You can use counters in your functions:

#let c = counter("theorem")
#let theorem(it) = block[
  *Theorem #c.display():*

#theorem[$1 = 1$]
#theorem[$2 < 3$]
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