Project structure

Large document

Once the document becomes large enough, it becomes harder to navigate it. If you haven't reached that size yet, you can ignore that section.

For managing that I would recommend splitting your document into chapters. It is just a way to work with this, but once you understand how it works, you can do anything you want.

Let's say you have two chapters, then the recommended structure will look like this:

#import "@preview/treet:0.1.1": *

#show list: tree-list
#set par(leading: 0.8em)
#show list: set text(font: "DejaVu Sans Mono", size: 0.8em)
- chapters/
  - chapter_1.typ
  - chapter_2.typ
- main.typ 👁 #text(gray)[← document entry point]
- template.typ
Rendered image
The exact file names are up to you.

Let's see what to put in each of these files.


In the "template" file goes all useful functions and variables you will use across the chapters. If you have your own template or want to write one, you can write it there.

// template.typ

#let template = doc => {
    set page(header: "My super document")
    show "physics": "magic"

#let info-block = block.with(stroke: blue, fill: blue.lighten(70%))
#let author = "@sitandr"


This file should be compiled to get the whole compiled document.

// main.typ

#import "template.typ": *
// if you have a template
#show: template

= This is the document title

// some additional formatting

#show emph: set text(blue)

// but don't define functions or variables there!
// chapters will not see it

// Now the chapters themselves as some Typst content


// chapter_1.typ

#import "../template.typ": *

That's just content with _styling_ and blocks:

#infoblock[Some information].

// just any content you want to include in the document


Note that modules in Typst can see only what they created themselves or imported. Anything else is invisible for them. That's why you need template.typ file to define all functions within.

That means chapters don't see each other either, only what is in the template.

Cyclic imports

Important: Typst forbids cyclic imports. That means you can't import chapter_1 from chapter_2 and chapter_2 from chapter_1 at the same time!

But the good news is that you can always create some other file to import variable from.