Advanced arguments

Spreading arguments from list

#let func(a, b, c, d, e) = [#a #b #c #d #e]
#func(..(([hi],) * 5))
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This may be super useful in tables:

#let a = ("hi", "b", "c")

#table(columns: 3,
  [test], [x], [hello],
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Key arguments

The same idea works with key arguments:

#let text-params = (fill: blue, size: 0.8em)

Some #text(..text-params)[text].
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Managing arbitrary arguments

Typst allows taking as many arbitrary positional and key arguments as you want. In that case function is given special arguments object that stores in it positional and named arguments.

Link to reference

#let f(..args) = [

#f(1, "a", width: 50%, block: false)
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You can combine them with other arguments. Spreading operator will "eat" all remaining arguments:

#let format(title, ..authors) = {
  let by = authors
    .join(", ", last: " and ")

  [*#title* \ _Written by #by;_]

#format("ArtosFlow", "Jane", "Joe")
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