Vectors & Matrices

You can easily note that the gap isn't necessarily even or the same in different vectors and matrices:

mat(0, 1, -1; -1, 0, 1; 1, -1, 0) vec(a/b, a/b, a/b) = vec(c, d, e)
Rendered image

That happens because gap refers to spacing between elements, not the distance between their centers.

To fix this, you can use this snippet:

// Fixed height vector
#let fvec(..children, delim: "(", gap: 1.5em) = { // change default gap there
  style(styles => 
      delim: delim,
      gap: 0em,
      ..for el in children.pos() {
            width: measure(el, styles).width,
            height: gap, place(horizon, el)
        },) // this is an array
        // `for` merges all these arrays, then we pass it to arguments

// fixed hight matrix
// accepts also row-gap, column-gap and gap
#let fmat(..rows, delim: "(", augment: none) = {
  let args = rows.named()
  let (gap, row-gap, column-gap) = (none,)*3;

  if "gap" in args {
    gap ="gap")
    row-gap ="row-gap", default: gap)
    column-gap ="row-gap", default: gap)
  else {
    // change default vertical there
    row-gap ="row-gap", default: 1.5em) 
    // and horizontal there
    column-gap = rows.named().at("column-gap", default: 0.5em)

  style(styles =>
      delim: delim,
      row-gap: 0em,
      column-gap: column-gap,
      ..for row in rows.pos() {
        (for el in row {
            width: measure(el, styles).width,
            height: row-gap, place(horizon, el)
        }, )

"Before:"& vec(((a/b))/c, a/b, c) = vec(1, 1, 1)\
"After:"& fvec(((a/b))/c, a/b, c) = fvec(1, 1, 1)\

"Before:"& mat(a, b; c, d) vec(e, dot) = vec(c/d, e/f)\
"After:"& fmat(a, b; c, d) fvec(e, dot) = fvec(c/d, e/f)
Rendered image