author: MuhammadAly11
Here's an example of how you could import and use json array form json file.
Consider the following example of data for the test you want to write:
"sn": "1",
"source": "Science",
"question": "What is the chemical symbol for water?",
"answer": "a",
"a": "H₂O",
"b": "CO₂",
"c": "O₂",
"d": "N₂",
"sn": "2",
"source": "History",
"question": "Who was the first president of the United States?",
"answer": "a",
"a": "George Washington",
"b": "Abraham Lincoln",
"d": "John Adams",
You can import this file and use it in Typst:
#let json_data = json("../file.json")
#for mcq in json_data {
[== #mcq.sn. #mcq.question: ]
for opt in ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g") {
if opt in mcq and mcq.at(opt) != "" {
[- #opt) #mcq.at(opt)]