Math Numbering

Number by current heading

See also built-in numbering in math package section

/// original author: laurmaedje
#set heading(numbering: "1.")

// reset counter at each chapter
// if you want to change the number of displayed 
// section numbers, change the level there
#show heading.where(level:1): it => {

#set math.equation(numbering: n => {
  numbering("(1.1)", counter(heading).get().first(), n)
  // if you want change the number of number of displayed
  // section numbers, modify it this way:
  let count = counter(heading).get()
  let h1 = count.first()
  let h2 =, default: 0)
  numbering("(1.1.1)", h1, h2, n)

= Section
== Subsection

$ 5 + 3 = 8 $ <a>
$ 5 + 3 = 8 $

= New Section
== Subsection
$ 5 + 3 = 8 $
== Subsection
$ 5 + 3 = 8 $ <b>

Mentioning @a and @b.
Rendered image

Number only labeled equations

Simple code

// author: shampoohere
#show math.equation:it => {
  if it.fields().keys().contains("label"){
    math.equation(block: true, numbering: "(1)", it)
    // Don't forget to change your numbering style in `numbering`
    // to the one you actually want to use.
    // Note that you don't need to #set the numbering now.
  } else {

$ sum_x^2 $
$ dif/(dif x)(A(t)+B(x))=dif/(dif x)A(t)+dif/(dif x)B(t) $ <ep-2>
$ sum_x^2 $
$ dif/(dif x)(A(t)+B(x))=dif/(dif x)A(t)+dif/(dif x)B(t) $ <ep-3>
Rendered image

Make the hacked references clickable again

// author: gijsleb
#show math.equation:it => {
  if it.has("label") {
    // Don't forget to change your numbering style in `numbering`
    // to the one you actually want to use.
    math.equation(block: true, numbering: "(1)", it)
  } else {

#show ref: it => {
  let el = it.element
  if el != none and el.func() == math.equation {
    link(el.location(), numbering(
      // don't forget to change the numbering according to the one
      // you are actually using (e.g. section numbering)
      counter(math.equation).at(el.location()).at(0) + 1
  } else {

$ sum_x^2 $
$ dif/(dif x)(A(t)+B(x))=dif/(dif x)A(t)+dif/(dif x)B(t) $ <ep-2>
$ sum_x^2 $
$ dif/(dif x)(A(t)+B(x))=dif/(dif x)A(t)+dif/(dif x)B(t) $ <ep-3>
In @ep-2 and @ep-3 we see equations
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