Page setup

See Official Page Setup guide

#set page(
  width: 3cm,
  margin: (x: 0cm),

#for i in range(3) {
  box(square(width: 1cm))
Rendered image
#set page(columns: 2, height: 4.8cm)
Climate change is one of the most
pressing issues of our time, with
the potential to devastate
communities, ecosystems, and
economies around the world. It's
clear that we need to take urgent
action to reduce our carbon
emissions and mitigate the impacts
of a rapidly changing climate.
Rendered image
#set page(fill: rgb("444352"))
#set text(fill: rgb("fdfdfd"))
*Dark mode enabled.*
Rendered image
#set par(justify: true)
#set page(
  margin: (top: 32pt, bottom: 20pt),
  header: [
    #set text(8pt)
    #smallcaps[Typst Academcy]
    #h(1fr) _Exercise Sheet 3_

Rendered image
#set page(foreground: text(24pt)[🥸])

Reviewer 2 has marked our paper
"Weak Reject" because they did
not understand our approach...
Rendered image