

Link to the universe

Package to manage glossary and abbreviations.

One of the very first cool packages of Typst, made specially for (probably) the first thesis written in Typst.
#import "@preview/glossarium:0.4.1": make-glossary, print-glossary, gls, glspl
#show: make-glossary

// for better link visibility
#show link: set text(fill: blue.darken(60%))

    // minimal term
    (key: "kuleuven", short: "KU Leuven"),

    // a term with a long form and a group
    (key: "unamur", short: "UNamur", long: "Namur University", group: "Universities"),

    // a term with a markup description
      key: "oidc",
      short: "OIDC",
      long: "OpenID Connect",
      desc: [OpenID is an open standard and decentralized authentication protocol promoted by the non-profit
      #link("")[OpenID Foundation].],
      group: "Accronyms",

    // a term with a short plural
      key: "potato",
      short: "potato",
      // "plural" will be used when "short" should be pluralized
      plural: "potatoes",
      desc: [#lorem(10)],

    // a term with a long plural
      key: "dm",
      short: "DM",
      long: "diagonal matrix",
      // "longplural" will be used when "long" should be pluralized
      longplural: "diagonal matrices",
      desc: "Probably some math stuff idk",

// referencing the OIDC term using gls
// displaying the long form forcibly
#gls("oidc", long: true)

// referencing the OIDC term using the reference syntax

Plural: #glspl("potato")

#gls("oidc", display: "whatever you want")
Rendered image