Placing, Moving, Scale & Hide

This is a very important section if you want to do arbitrary things with layout, create custom elements and hacking a way around current Typst limitations.

TODO: WIP, add text and better examples


Ignore layout, just put some object somehow relative to parent and current position. The placed object will not affect layouting

Link to reference

#set page(height: 60pt)
Hello, world!

  top + right, // place at the page right and top
    width: 20pt,
    stroke: 2pt + blue
Rendered image

Basic floating with place

#set page(height: 150pt)
#let note(where, body) = place(
  center + where,
  float: true,
  clearance: 6pt,

#note(bottom)[Bottom 1]
#note(bottom)[Bottom 2]
Rendered image
Rendered image

dx, dy

Manually change position by (dx, dy) relative to intended.

#set page(height: 100pt)
#for i in range(16) {
  let amount = i * 4pt
  place(center, dx: amount - 32pt, dy: amount)[A]
Rendered image


Link to reference

#rect(inset: 0pt, move(
  dx: 6pt, dy: 6pt,
    inset: 8pt,
    fill: white,
    stroke: black,
    [Abra cadabra]
Rendered image


Scale content without affecting the layout.

Link to reference

#scale(x: -100%)[This is mirrored.]
Rendered image
A#box(scale(75%)[A])A \
B#box(scale(75%, origin: bottom + left)[B])B
Rendered image


Don't show content, but leave empty space there.

Link to reference

Hello Jane \
#hide[Hello] Joe
Rendered image